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Meet Your Trainer
Hey there! I'm Parissa. Your personal trainer, Group Fitness Instructor, and fitness enthusiast. First and foremost, I want to thank you for taking the time to get to know me. Before you embark on your fitness journey, I think it is so important that you get to know me behind the scenes.
Before I am any of the titles/certifications that I have just named, I am a mother to my beautiful (now 8-year-old) son. I love music, rain, and spending time in the woods.
Some people in the world are obnoxiously positive and I think I may be one of those people. I see the light in everything and every story because I think life is all about lessons and perspectives. Everything happens for a reason. Nothing is by mistake.
I am a coach at heart, motivating any and everyone who asks me for advice, tips, or who just wants to tell me their story. Why am I a personal trainer? Because exercise is fun for me. It's a lifestyle. I truly enjoy what I do and I wake up every day ready to spread and share that joy with someone else.
As you embark on this journey, I'm excited that I get to be the one to witness your greatness firsthand. Work with me, not because I have a fit body and a cool website, but because I'm authentic and understanding. Wherever you are on your journey, I've been there. I get it. So make the decision, keep procrastinating, or reach out, and let's GET TO WORK!